The friendship card!

Your best friend is special. Make her feel unique by saying "I love you".
How? With this magical card made with your own hands.

 1. Take some cardboard paper and draw a 20 cm side square.
2. Inside, draw a heart shape with a pencil and cut it out with rounded scissors.
3. Write on the heart the message: "You are my best friend. I love you because...........". Don't forget to sign it.
4. Fold the heart in two, so that the message is inside. Now decorate the outer part of the card in one of these ways. Glue vertically a coloured ribbon and a button in the middle. Cut out 4 or 5 little hearts (in different sizes and colours) and glue them on the outside of the card. Decorate the heart's edge with glitter or sequins.
 Dear fairies, which is your favourite decoration? And what is the name of the friend you'd send this card to?

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